Nothing gets affected if you do it in the right manner. Just like that, if you use social media in a mindful way, it won’t affect your mental health.
For many, the world revolves around digital media. Sometimes it adversely affects mental health. But if you use social media mindfully, it won’t affect your mental health. In this article, you will explore mindful consumption of social media and some tips for the same.
Social media has become an important part of everyone’s lives, as it helps you connect with people and gain knowledge. And, sometimes people become addicted to it, which harms their mental health. Everyone can agree that the Internet offers many benefits, but it is necessary to be mindful while using it.
To save yourself from harming your mental health, let’s learn some ways to protect it. For that, we need to understand the basics of mindful consumption of social media.
Your lives are highly influenced by social media and the content you see. Mindful consumption refers to being aware of how you use it, what you see on it, and how it makes you feel. It is not only about scrolling the whole day; it is also about being conscious of what content you are watching. The main crux of mindful consumption is how you feel when you are online. With the help of mindful consumption, you can find out what triggers your emotions and affects your mental health. Mindful practice allows you to choose positive content, because you know what might harm your mental health.
By being mindful of your social media usage, you can protect your mental health and create a positive environment.
With some useful tips, you can easily be mindful of your social media use. Here are some tips, read them and try your best to follow them.
01). Set boundaries:
Set boundaries as per your needs, and stick to them. You can easily invest more time in other activities if you practice it. It also helps you stay focused.
02). Choose positive content:
We are certain that you know what constitutes positive and negative content. Try to engage more with positive content; it uplifts your mood, and you live a happy life.
03). Be selective with friends and connections.
Try to find more connections that uplift your mood and have a positive impact on you. If you feel like some account, friend, or content brings negativity, unfollow or mute it. Your mental health is always your priority.
04). Take breaks:
Sometimes using social media can exhaust you. So, take a break from your device and engage in activities that bring freshness to you, like doing an easy workout, painting a picture, listening to music, etc.
05). Practice gratitude:
Social media brings comparison and self-doubt, and it is easier for these feelings to set in. But instead of comparing, be grateful for what you have. It makes you feel good.
06). Limit news consumption:
Being aware of what happens around you is a good thing. But, you need to be aware of how it affects you. Being mindful of your news consumption is a good idea, especially when some news can be alarming.
07). Practice self-compassion:
As social media brings self-comparison, you’ve got to try self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, feed yourself positivity, and put your mental health first.
08). Set media-free zones:
Designate certain areas and hours of your day with absolutely no social media. You can read a book, practice deep breathing with calming music, or just meditate during that time. Be mindful of not using your phone or TV when you are eating.
09). Practice digital detox:
Take regular breaks, and recharge yourself during that time. For example, taking brisk walks, reading a book, doing dishes or laundry, talking to a family member, or writing what you’ve been thinking about, are a few examples.
10). Balance consumption with creativity:
Avoid scrolling just to kill time or when you’re bored. Instead, scroll to find creative things that can help you stay calm and make you happy, and engage in them. You can use social media to learn something that makes you happy. In short, use your scrolling for something meaningful.
11). Monitor your emotional response:
Try to notice how different content affects your emotions. If you notice a certain pattern, try to avoid that type of content. You have to gauge what sets you off and hide that type of content that specifically upsets you.
It won’t be an easy journey, as everyone is addicted to social media nowadays. But you have to try to be mindful of your social media usage. Now you might have a better idea about mindfulness, the tips to achieve it, as well. So, you need to start by taking baby steps towards it. And, one day you will understand the necessity of mindful consumption of social media.